"All that God's Word commands, we are to obey. All that it promises, we may claim. The life which it enjoins is the life that, through its power, we are to live." Ellen G. White, Education, pp. 188, 189.
This blog presents insights into rural economy as taught in the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White.
First we'll look at the subject of Custom vs. Inspiration. Under that heading we'll cover topics such as the Folly of Popular Customs, the Validity of the Scriptures, the Testimonies and Today, Discovery of the Lost Law, God's Covenant with Us, and the Strongest Meat Not for Babes.
Then we'll address The Biblical Lifestyle. We'll look at the Most Favorable Occupation, Land-Based Economy, the Inheritance, Meeting the Problems of Farmers, Stewardship of the Land, God's Care for the Poor, Family Businesses, Home the Center of Education, and Parents their Children's Physicians.
Finally, we'll deal with Economic Principles. Under that heading we'll discuss Wealth and Riches, Honesty in Trade, Making Money Without Working, Where to Put Our Money, Borrowing and Lending, Usury, Financial Slavery, Relieving the Oppressed, Separation from the World, Suretyship, Worldly Protection Policies, Forbidden Partnerships, and The Christian's Protection Plan.
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